Sessione n.5

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Chair: Massimo Margottini

Discussant: Pia Cappuccio, Paolo Sorzio

Modalità: a distanza

Aula: –

Link per partecipazione a distanza: Clicca qui per accedere alla sessione

Indice degli interventi:

  1. The new digital teaching and evaluation in an inclusive key
    La nuova didattica digitale e la valutazione in chiave inclusiva
    Marika Calenda; Alessio Fabiano

    In this paper we aim to explore the model of “digital learning environment”, considered as an whole and to offer the possibility to intervene on the “digital and evaluative educational setting”, especially on the principles which determine it. We will try to reflect how the teaching can be reshaped, to make students active of their learning process and to offer ideas to rethink the way of building school together. Furthermore, the theme of evaluation is certainly fundamental in the perspective of the digital teaching, especially in a blended learning, on the presence and on the distance.

  2. Logics, networks and inter-institutional partnership practices and training quality: from design to assessment
    Logiche, reti e pratiche partenariali interistituzionali e qualità della formazione: dalla progettazione all’assessment
    Antonella Nuzzaci

    Il partenariato si è imposto nel tempo prevedendo tipologie di collaborazione diversa e producendo precisi risultati sociali e culturali nel tentativo di affrontare situazioni complesse e di risolvere problemi emergenti sempre più diversificati. Esso fa leva sulla capacità della ricerca di individuare nelle pratiche educative spontaneamente attivate dai diversi attori quegli elementi metodologici impliciti che possano considerarsi significativi, esplicitandoli e facendoli emergere, per poi passare alla concettualizzazione e modellizzazione del sistema partenariale procedendo alla sua validazione attraverso un disegno valutativo diretto a esaminare contesti, principi, input, processi, risultati e impatti culturali, organizzativi ed operativo.

  3. Between Ferriere and Freinet: a visual study

    The contribution aims at comparing Ferrière’s reflection and Freinet’s practices. The first area of contact is the political and transformative reading of education. While the former imagines a new school capable of “bridging the gap between family life and social life”, the latter founds a proletarian school, an alternative to the bourgeois school, in which the distinction between education and work, intellectual and manual activity, individual and collective work is overcome. Based on our visit to the school in Vence, an analysis of the photographic documentation collected is proposed in order to highlight contradictions and opportunities of current educational institutions.

  4. First reflections on the impact evaluation of interventions against early school leaving.
    Prime riflessioni sulla valutazione di impatto di interventi a contrasto alla dispersione scolastica.
    Giulia Toti, Eliana Bucchi, Vanessa Candela, Ermelinda De Carlo

    Early school leaving is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, which brings with it numerous problems of definition, despite the large amount of reference literature (Batini & Bartolucci, 2016; Scales, 2015). This has not prevented investments in interventions for preventing and combating early school leaving, even if the current data represent “a defeat” and highlight wrong approaches. In this contribution, in the light of a first analysis of the interviews, aimed at assessing the impact of the projects against early school leaving, a necessary rethinking of interventions and of the evaluation methods of these projects becomes evident.

  5. Future teachers’ training in listening and welcoming
    Formare i futuri insegnanti all’ascolto e all’accoglienza
    Leonarda Longo; Gaetana Katia Fiandaca

    The study was carried out with 869 students enrolled in Primary Education Sciences master’s degree course at University of Palermo. The participants have been involved in the planning and implementation of targeted educational courses designed for the “fragile” pupils from 33 different schools in Palermo. This project aims at developing a sustainable model, innovative strategies and tools for recovery and enhancement of learning which are applicable during health emergency. Thanks to the creation of a repository of shared content and the specific training of 33 coordinating tutors involved in the project, this model can also be used after the emergency period.

  6. The ‘first’ alliance’: study of a parent-educator co-responsibility device in the nursery
    La ‘prima’ alleanza’: studio di un dispositivo di corresponsabilità genitore-educatore nel nido di infanzia
    Loredana Perla; Laura Sara Agrati; Ilenia Amati; Stefania Massaro; Maria Concetta Rossiello

    The exploratory study, from the phenomenological perspective, was conducted on the insertion of thirty-five children from 5 to 28 months into the nursery ‘Matite colorate’ of Matera. It posed the hypothesis that scaffolding suitable for the parent-educator relationship has effects on reducing the time of adaptation of the child to the nursery. The survey explored the variables of the process by focusing observation on the process during the interactions between parents of children and educators. Among the results that emerged there are: insertion in the context in 4 days; reduction of feelings such as anxiety, stress, sadness in the parent; reduction of feelings of sadness in the child.

  7. Teacher training as an opportunity to innovate
    Percorsi di formazione degli insegnanti come opportunità per innovare
    Giganti Marco

    New Education International League stated that children should be at the heart of education and the student at the heart of school. The change from the paradigm of instruction to the learning one is aligned to this statement. This paper focused on a specific aspect of the paradigm of learning: the formative assessment. This aspect has a deep influence on education tout court. Formative assessment is key competence of teachers’ professionalism but, in some cases, it isn’t properly developed. This paper focuses on two training modules with the aim of highlighting their design and reference to the cited assumptions.

  8. Éducation nouvelle and the Pizzigoni method across the past and the contemporary era
    Éducation nouvelle e metodo Pizzigoni, tra passato e contemporaneità
    Franca Zuccoli; Anna Ferri

    This paper explores the similarities and differences between the éducation nouvelle movement and the journey undertaken by Giuseppina Pizzigoni, who founded her New School (Scuola Rinnovata) in 1927, after experimenting with a novel way of understanding and practicing the teaching-learning process from 1911 onwards. The points of contact between the two perspectives include a focus on the environment, the outdoor context, children’s direct experience, and their shared pathways towards constructing knowledge. The final section of the paper looks at the potential value of these emphases, which can also inform the present-day implementation of the New School approach and the Pizzigoni method.

  9. From the IDRUSA project to outdoor education. Art and orienteering
    Dal Progetto IDRUSA all’outdoor education. Arte e orienteering
    Ada Manfreda; Antonio Di Maglie

    With this contribution we propose an intervention hypothesis that wants to combine art, territory, landscape and outdoor education. We think that Orienteering can represent an adequate methodological option for this purpose, representing an active and activating didactic device, which appropriately designed, starting from the works of art registered and digitized by the IDRUSA project, can bring together the territory, the places that the paintings have immortalized, creating an en plein air learning environment in which aesthetic sense and beauty are combined, discovery, immersion in nature, play and enjoyment of cultural and environmental heritage, also with the integration of technologies.

  10. Citizens of the world: what rights?
    Cittadini del mondo: quali diritti
    Giancarlo Cavinato

    Children’s rights are granted by law but they are not effective in everyday life, because they are affected by prejudices. The 1989 ONU Declaration on children’s rights is still largely not applied to the most important consequences: freedom of expression, participation. Since it has been ratified by almost every country (in Italy Law 1991-176) it should be included in Constitutions, rules and regulations of all public and private Institutions. What can be the good practices for planetary citizenship? • creative re-elaboration, diverging thinking • participation • the practices of kids’ meetings • education for futures • exchanges, meetings, correspondence among different countries’ classes and schools.

  11. A new evaluation for a new education: what do students think about the usefulness and emotional impact of a peer-feedback process?
    Una valutazione nuova per una educazione nuova: cosa pensano gli studenti circa utilità e ricaduta emotiva di un percorso di peer-feedback
    Elisa Truffelli

    The principles in favour of a new education proposed by the International School of Education, on which this conference is based, cannot be separated from the idea of a new evaluation to accompany and regulate these processes. Peer-feedback (PF) is a innovative evaluation approach that can be framed within the constructivist theory of teaching/learning and the tradition of student-centred approaches. There are still few studies about the perceived usefulness of PF and the impact of the emotional aspects it involves. The aim of this contribution is to offer a reflection on the results of an empirical investigation in HE.