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Chair: Valentina Grion
Discussant: Federico Batini, Daniela Maccario
Modalità: in presenza
Aula: Laboratorio Visalberghi: 20+20 posti distribuiti nei due locali
Link per partecipazione a distanza: Clicca qui per partecipare tramite ZOOM, ID riunione: 910 261 2038
Indice degli interventi:
- Ableism and intersectionality. A participatory research on discriminatory attitudes in Italy
Abilismo e intersezionalità. Una ricerca partecipativa sugli atteggiamenti discriminatori in Italia
Silvia Dell’Anna; Rosa Bellacicco; Tania Parisi; Ester Micalizzi
This paper presents the results of a research that investigates discriminatory attitudes among the Italian population with an intersectional approach. The study foresees the administration of a survey to a representative sample of 1.500 people and, later, its administration to schools. The questionnaire includes – in addition to the classic categories of gender, class and race – issues related to ability. Unlike the former scales, there is no Italian instrument to detect ableism. During the conference we will present the main results of this participatory experience: a common definition of ableism and a list of items to investigate its discriminatory attitudes. - Designing space and time in kindergarten: reflections starting from the Éducation Nouvelle
Progettare lo spazio e il tempo nella scuola dell’infanzia: riflessioni a partire dall’Éducation Nouvelle
Iannotta I.S., Ferrantino C. & Gragnaniello D.
The contribution, starting from the reflection on the “thirty fundamental points of new education”, formulated by Ferrière, considers the possibility of being able to talk about it even today. A comparison is made between the pedagogical principles of Activism with the current ones, paying particular attention to those that fall within the macro-area ‘organization of studies’ and, more specifically, to the value of the organization of time and space according to the educational needs of learners. Based on these considerations, we intend to carry out research to detect, through observation, how teachers plan the educational environments in Kindergartens in the Province of Salerno. - Traces of active schooling in popular pedagogy and second chance experiences
Tracce di scuola attiva nella pedagogia popolare e nelle esperienze di seconda opportunità
Luisa Zecca; Valeria Cotza
Issues that underlie pedagogical activism and “new schools” permeate many educational practices still nowadays, within and outside the “traditional” school system. In particular, many orientations of active schools have been taken up by popular education and, more recently, by second chance experiences, widespread in Italy and Europe. The aim of this contribution is to inspect the model underlying these experiences and which practices and methodologies characterize them, based on the first results of a qualitative research (10 focus groups) carried out from January to September 2021 with the educational team of the “Antonia Vita” Popular School in Monza. - Facing Scholastic Dispersion starting from the principles of the Nice Congress of 1932: the teacher training as a factor in preventing and contrasting the dispersive phenomenon
Affrontare la Dispersione Scolastica partendo dai principi del Congresso di Nizza del 1932: la formazione degli insegnanti come fattore di prevenzione e contrasto al fenomeno dispersivo
Chiara Annovazzi; Sonia Peloso
The Covid-19 pandemic has increased discomfort, fears, and destabilization. In addition, one manifestation of this crisis is the phenomenon of scholastic dispersion. It is a complex phenomenon influenced by several elements. In line with the Nice Congress principles, it is fundamental to share these elements with teachers and adults close to young people. During the presentation, we will discuss training with teachers to support them in recognizing the complexity of the dispersion concept. - The importance of the educational relationship for students’ well-being and success at school: an empirical survey among upper secondary school adolescents
L’importanza della relazione educativa per il benessere e il successo scolastico di studenti e studentesse: un’indagine empirica tra adolescenti della scuola secondaria di secondo grado
Mara Marini; Francesca Santini
The present study is part of a larger research project involving several high schools in Rome. The general objective of the project is to monitor the psychological and social well-being of the participating students. In particular, the study focuses on several outcomes of a specific aspect of school climate: the relationships between teachers and students. Indeed, the literature has shown that learning environments and relational dynamics are crucial to academic success. The results showed that positive relationships between teachers and students indirectly impact students’ academic success (grade point average) by improving their perceived school well-being. - Research experiences between active and distance learning
Esperienze di ricerca tra didattica attiva e didattica a distanza
Sara Gabrielli
First-year students of the Pedagogy degree courses at Sapienza, University of Rome, have to attend a research lab under the supervision and mediation of a professor. Research labs follow the didactical model developed by Maria Corda Costa e Aldo Visalberghi (1975), based on the active experience of a research study. This paper focuses on the research lab led by Professor Guido Benvenuto in 2020/2021, exploring students’ view on how the distance learning, due to Covid-19, changes their academic results. - The characteristics of the Montessori teacher and learning by imitation: a survey on teachers’ practices
Le caratteristiche dell’insegnante Montessori e l’apprendimento per imitazione: un’indagine sulle prassi degli insegnanti
Albanese Martina; Maniscalco Lucia
Maria Montessori in outlining the Method that takes her name, emphasizes the role of the teacher. The mechanism of mimesis and learning by imitation represent one of the most productive learning methods in the first months of a child’s life. The mixture of recent discoveries on the functioning of the brain and the guiding principles of the Montessori teacher are the basis of the survey carried out with 392 teachers of some Sicilian schools during the A.S. 2020/2021. The purpose of the survey is to measure the daily practices of teachers to understand how much they converge or diverge from the identified constructs. - The convergence between Ferrière’s vision of new education and reading comprehension as an educational emergency: a research project about reciprocal teaching
La convergenza tra la visione di Ferrière dell’Educazione nuova e la comprensione del testo come emergenza educativa: un progetto di ricerca sul reciprocal teaching
Marianna Traversetti; Amalia Lavinia Rizzo; Marta Pellegrini
The theoretical-cultural and applicative considerations about the movement of new schools call for a reflection about the quality of inclusive teaching. Referring to some key points of Ferrière’s document, we present a project that tests the effectiveness of the SApIE “Reading Comprehension_Reciprocal teaching” program for the development of text comprehension, in primary school third grades attended by students with special educational needs. The project follows the Design Based Research methodology, with purposive sampling. - Promoting in men the choice to prepare oneself for practicing the profession of primary school teacher
Promuovere negli uomini la scelta di prepararsi all’esercizio della professione di maestro di scuola primaria
Alessandro Di Vita
The sixth principle of the Charte de la Ligue Internationale de l’Éducation Nouvelle of 1921 emphasizes the concept of coeducation. This concept represents a very topical element to launch a proactive debate on the need to increase the male presence in primary school teaching staff. After having presented the most significant measures adopted by some States to promote the figure of the male primary-school teacher, an educational project is described in general terms. This project is aimed at increasing the enrollments of male students in the Single Cycle Course Primary Education activated by the University of Palermo. - Education for Peace and Global Citizenship
Educazione alla pace e alla mondialità: stato dell’arte e prospettive
Emilio Lastrucci
The 2030 Agenda of UNO provides for the achievement by the end of the decade of a specific objective (n.16) concerning peaceful coexistence and non-violence, considered strategic for the purpose of guaranteeing a more inclusive society and consequently greater equality and social justice. The contribution illustrates the theoretical and methodological pillars of a new pedagogical project which combines the promotion of the culture of peace with that of global citizenship, inspired by the one developed by Visalberghi in the eighties and analysed in the new framework of equilibrium on the planetary scenario and of psycho-social conditions determined by the liquid society. - Education Nouvelle and inclusive and laboratory teaching: the new challenges of the third millennium school
L’Education Nouvelle e la didattica inclusiva e laboratoriale: le nuove sfide della scuola del III Millennio
Daniela Gulisano
In August 1921, the first founding conference of the Ligue Internationale de l’Éducation Nouvelle was held, promoted by Adolphe Ferrière and the animators of the ” New Education Fellowship “. The anniversary of that first international experience (Calais, 1921) should push us to take stock of the relevance of those principles and the educational challenges for the 21st century. In particular, it is significant, for this purpose, to resume, analyze and compare the new document of “Calais” with the Guiding Principles for promoting quality in inclusive school of 2009, in which the importance of expanding flexible and active teaching is emphasized, according to a “European and international approach to inclusive school”.
- Ableism and intersectionality. A participatory research on discriminatory attitudes in Italy