Submit a paper proposal

This journal welcomes unpublished works on themes consistent with the aims of the association.
All proposed articles will undergo a double blind peer review process.

The submission of the proposed contributions for publication takes place by uploading the file to the OJS platform and after registering as a user.

The document MUST BE ANONYMOUS, the name and affiliation of the authors must not appear near the title, on the references or on their biographical notes.

To submit a proposal the following format must be used. The works must be sent respecting the foreseen editorial rules and, in case of inadequacy with the formal requirements, the contributions will be rejected without being sent to the auditors.

Paper format

Editorial standards

Click here to access the OJS platform for managing and submitting proposals

Review procedure

All the proposed articles are submitted anonymously to two anonymous reviewers, who fill in an evaluation form on criteria such as: coherence with educational and didactic research themes, originality, completeness in the analysis of existing literature, accuracy in the description of the research design, procedures and results analysis, completeness of the bibliography, quality of the writing.Only articles for which both reviewers express a positive opinion are accepted. The reviews of the reviewers are communicated to the Authors, together with indications for a possible revision. Items not modified according to the indications of the auditors will not be published.

Review Committee

The Review Committee includes scholars of recognized Italian and foreign competence.The director and co-director of the magazine are responsible for the referral procedure.