Pietro Lucisano, Elisabetta Nigris
Scientific committee
Berta Martini, Alessandra Mariotti, Marisa Michelini, Pier Giuseppe Rossi
The experience conducted in recent years by the various Italian universities in the field of initial teacher education has shown with ever greater force, how the professorship of teachers is based on the coherent, intelligent integration of pedagogical-didactic knowledge, with those of the different disciplinary sectors. Furthermore, in the national context, there is the presence of existing projects, developed during the degree course in Primary Education Sciences, which combine teaching and disciplines and which could become the object of study of the observatory to construct effective proposals for productive interaction between different areas, giving rise to models that can also be replicated in other training courses (such as, for example, TFA and PAS).
The purpose of this Observatory is to promote dialogue between the world of didactic research and that of teaching disciplines both for as far as primary school is concerned, both first and second grade secondary schools and – finally – higher education. More specifically, the objectives to be pursued are:
- To make a scientific contribution to the ongoing debate in the institutional and political world;
- To plan training / comparison initiatives on the subject;
- To launch research projects in which researchers from the educational world and from the different disciplinary areas.
To this end, the following actions will be undertaken:
- Survey on the works produced so far in Italy and abroad on this subject;
- Building stable relationships with the various research areas;
- Starting a comparison with the associations of teachers and trainers, as well as informal contexts (museums, science centers) that operate in the field of different disciplinary didactics;
- Organization of work seminars, to be planned and carried out by colleagues from the pedagogical-didactic world, as well as teachers and researchers from the various disciplines.