International SIRD Conference 2021

International SIRD Conference 2021

Which school for the citizens of the world. One hundred years after the foundation of the Ligue Internationale de l’Éducation Nouvelle

Salerno, Rome 25-26 November 2021

University of Salerno – Department of Human Sciences, Philosophy and Education
(on line)

Sapienza, University of Rome – Department of Psychology of Development and Socialization Processes
(in presence – classrooms to be established)

One hundred years after the presentation of the LIEN Charter (1921), the “Principles of Accession” for the development of an international alliance of educators, teachers, girls, boys and parents remain fully topical. Starting from a reflection on these principles, the Conference intends to promote a reflection on the contribution of didactic and educational research to the growth of a generation of citizens of the world.

The goal is to develop proposals for educational practices necessary to create an open school, capable of orienting, enhancing and developing the potential of the younger generations.

The conference is aimed primarily at pedagogical researchers and will be open to the participation of teachers and educators and their associations.

The conference will be divided into working groups in which contributions relating to the following thematic sections will be presented and discussed:

Section 1 – The contribution of educational research to a new agreement of accession starting from the discussion of the principles of the Congress of Calais, of the Congress of Nice and the proposal of Manifesto that the partner associations and federations intend to produce to affirm common values, ambitions, concrete utopias , the founding references of the New Education.

Section 2 – The 30 points of Ferrière (1925) which more explicitly represent the themes that have crossed the discussions and orientations of the active schools. Six thematic working groups will be formed on the basis of the broad areas that characterize the Ferrière document:

  • organization,
  • physical life,
  • intellectual life
  • organization of studies,
  • social education,
  • artistic and moral education.

For all the insights and further details on the documents cited:

Focus of the contributions: deepen the themes proposed by the documents cited in the light of the research and teaching experience of the participants in the conference.

Deadline for submitting proposals: November 11, 2021.

The procedure for submitting proposals is online.

Proposals must be addressed to one of the themes foreseen in the thematic sessions.

The contributions must be developed as a reflection on the proposed themes starting from one’s own teaching and research experience.

The text must respect the format and a maximum length of 900 words (references excluded).

To submit proposals (in the 3 sections: Research, Experiences and Studies) or to register only, click on the following link: registration.

All accepted and presented contributions will be published in an instant-book of the SIRD Studies and Research Series on learning-teaching and assessment processes.

Acceptance of proposals: November 16, 2021.

The evaluation process will be supervised by the Scientific Committee which reserves the right to admit the contribution. A confirmation email will be sent to all authors by that date.

Evaluation criteria

Relevance for educational research
Contribution to the research progress and originality
Clarity and organization of the text (Accuracy and content organization)
Explication and coherence of methodological choices (Clarity and coherence of methodological approaches)
Relevance of citations and bibliography (Accuracy of quotations and of bibliography)
Respect for editorial rules and presentation format


  • Poster
  • Final program
  • Power Point presentation template
  • Parallel sessions
  • Book of abstracts


November 25

14:30 Registration
15:00 Institutional greetings and introduction to the Conference
15:30 Introductory speeches
17:30 Presentation of the documentary “School revolution. A hope between the two wars” (In a Europe marked by the experience of the First World War, pedagogists like Maria Montessori, Célestin Freinet, Alexander Neill, Ovide Decroly, Paul Geheeb, Janusz Korczak, are committed to create a new educational system, seeing in the school and its transformation the possibility of changing individuals and society as a whole)
19:00 SIRD shareholders’ meeting
20:30 Social dinner

November 26

9:00 Parallel thematic sessions
13:00 Lunch break
14:30 Round table – The reasons for an active school to build citizens of the world
16:30 Closing of the works

Scientific Committee

Pietro Lucisano, Renata Viganò, Antonio Marzano, Valentina Grion, Alessandra La Marca, Marco Lazzari, Massimo Margottini, Filippo Gomez Paloma, Roberto Trinchero, Ira Vannini, Enrico Bottero.

Organizing Committee

Rosa Vegliante –
Sergio Miranda –