Book of abstracts

Convegno internazionale SIRD 2021

Quale scuola per i cittadini del mondo. A cento anni dalla fondazione della Ligue Internationale de l’Éducation Nouvelle

Salerno, Roma, 25-26 novembre 2021

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  • Sessione n.1
    1. Ableism and intersectionality. A participatory research on discriminatory attitudes in Italy
      Abilismo e intersezionalità. Una ricerca partecipativa sugli atteggiamenti discriminatori in Italia
      Silvia Dell’Anna; Rosa Bellacicco; Tania Parisi; Ester Micalizzi
      This paper presents the results of a research that investigates discriminatory attitudes among the Italian population with an intersectional approach. The study foresees the administration of a survey to a representative sample of 1.500 people and, later, its administration to schools. The questionnaire includes – in addition to the classic categories of gender, class and race – issues related to ability. Unlike the former scales, there is no Italian instrument to detect ableism. During the conference we will present the main results of this participatory experience: a common definition of ableism and a list of items to investigate its discriminatory attitudes.
    2. Designing space and time in kindergarten: reflections starting from the Éducation Nouvelle
      Progettare lo spazio e il tempo nella scuola dell’infanzia: riflessioni a partire dall’Éducation Nouvelle
      Iannotta I.S., Ferrantino C. & Gragnaniello D.
      The contribution, starting from the reflection on the “thirty fundamental points of new education”, formulated by Ferrière, considers the possibility of being able to talk about it even today. A comparison is made between the pedagogical principles of Activism with the current ones, paying particular attention to those that fall within the macro-area ‘organization of studies’ and, more specifically, to the value of the organization of time and space according to the educational needs of learners. Based on these considerations, we intend to carry out research to detect, through observation, how teachers plan the educational environments in Kindergartens in the Province of Salerno.
    3. Traces of active schooling in popular pedagogy and second chance experiences
      Tracce di scuola attiva nella pedagogia popolare e nelle esperienze di seconda opportunità
      Luisa Zecca; Valeria Cotza
      Issues that underlie pedagogical activism and “new schools” permeate many educational practices still nowadays, within and outside the “traditional” school system. In particular, many orientations of active schools have been taken up by popular education and, more recently, by second chance experiences, widespread in Italy and Europe. The aim of this contribution is to inspect the model underlying these experiences and which practices and methodologies characterize them, based on the first results of a qualitative research (10 focus groups) carried out from January to September 2021 with the educational team of the “Antonia Vita” Popular School in Monza.
    4. Facing Scholastic Dispersion starting from the principles of the Nice Congress of 1932: the teacher training as a factor in preventing and contrasting the dispersive phenomenon
      Affrontare la Dispersione Scolastica partendo dai principi del Congresso di Nizza del 1932: la formazione degli insegnanti come fattore di prevenzione e contrasto al fenomeno dispersivo
      Chiara Annovazzi; Sonia Peloso
      The Covid-19 pandemic has increased discomfort, fears, and destabilization. In addition, one manifestation of this crisis is the phenomenon of scholastic dispersion. It is a complex phenomenon influenced by several elements. In line with the Nice Congress principles, it is fundamental to share these elements with teachers and adults close to young people. During the presentation, we will discuss training with teachers to support them in recognizing the complexity of the dispersion concept.
    5. The importance of the educational relationship for students’ well-being and success at school: an empirical survey among upper secondary school adolescents
      L’importanza della relazione educativa per il benessere e il successo scolastico di studenti e studentesse: un’indagine empirica tra adolescenti della scuola secondaria di secondo grado
      Mara Marini; Francesca Santini
      The present study is part of a larger research project involving several high schools in Rome. The general objective of the project is to monitor the psychological and social well-being of the participating students. In particular, the study focuses on several outcomes of a specific aspect of school climate: the relationships between teachers and students. Indeed, the literature has shown that learning environments and relational dynamics are crucial to academic success. The results showed that positive relationships between teachers and students indirectly impact students’ academic success (grade point average) by improving their perceived school well-being.
    6. Research experiences between active and distance learning
      Esperienze di ricerca tra didattica attiva e didattica a distanza
      Sara Gabrielli
      First-year students of the Pedagogy degree courses at Sapienza, University of Rome, have to attend a research lab under the supervision and mediation of a professor. Research labs follow the didactical model developed by Maria Corda Costa e Aldo Visalberghi (1975), based on the active experience of a research study. This paper focuses on the research lab led by Professor Guido Benvenuto in 2020/2021, exploring students’ view on how the distance learning, due to Covid-19, changes their academic results.
    7. The characteristics of the Montessori teacher and learning by imitation: a survey on teachers’ practices
      Le caratteristiche dell’insegnante Montessori e l’apprendimento per imitazione: un’indagine sulle prassi degli insegnanti
      Albanese Martina; Maniscalco Lucia
      Maria Montessori in outlining the Method that takes her name, emphasizes the role of the teacher. The mechanism of mimesis and learning by imitation represent one of the most productive learning methods in the first months of a child’s life. The mixture of recent discoveries on the functioning of the brain and the guiding principles of the Montessori teacher are the basis of the survey carried out with 392 teachers of some Sicilian schools during the A.S. 2020/2021. The purpose of the survey is to measure the daily practices of teachers to understand how much they converge or diverge from the identified constructs.
    8. The convergence between Ferrière’s vision of new education and reading comprehension as an educational emergency: a research project about reciprocal teaching
      La convergenza tra la visione di Ferrière dell’Educazione nuova e la comprensione del testo come emergenza educativa: un progetto di ricerca sul reciprocal teaching
      Marianna Traversetti; Amalia Lavinia Rizzo; Marta Pellegrini
      The theoretical-cultural and applicative considerations about the movement of new schools call for a reflection about the quality of inclusive teaching. Referring to some key points of Ferrière’s document, we present a project that tests the effectiveness of the SApIE “Reading Comprehension_Reciprocal teaching” program for the development of text comprehension, in primary school third grades attended by students with special educational needs. The project follows the Design Based Research methodology, with purposive sampling.
    9. Promoting in men the choice to prepare oneself for practicing the profession of primary school teacher
      Promuovere negli uomini la scelta di prepararsi all’esercizio della professione di maestro di scuola primaria
      Alessandro Di Vita
      The sixth principle of the Charte de la Ligue Internationale de l’Éducation Nouvelle of 1921 emphasizes the concept of coeducation. This concept represents a very topical element to launch a proactive debate on the need to increase the male presence in primary school teaching staff. After having presented the most significant measures adopted by some States to promote the figure of the male primary-school teacher, an educational project is described in general terms. This project is aimed at increasing the enrollments of male students in the Single Cycle Course Primary Education activated by the University of Palermo.
    10. Education for Peace and Global Citizenship
      Educazione alla pace e alla mondialità: stato dell’arte e prospettive
      Emilio Lastrucci
      The 2030 Agenda of UNO provides for the achievement by the end of the decade of a specific objective (n.16) concerning peaceful coexistence and non-violence, considered strategic for the purpose of guaranteeing a more inclusive society and consequently greater equality and social justice. The contribution illustrates the theoretical and methodological pillars of a new pedagogical project which combines the promotion of the culture of peace with that of global citizenship, inspired by the one developed by Visalberghi in the eighties and analysed in the new framework of equilibrium on the planetary scenario and of psycho-social conditions determined by the liquid society.
    11. Education Nouvelle and inclusive and laboratory teaching: the new challenges of the third millennium school
      L’Education Nouvelle e la didattica inclusiva e laboratoriale: le nuove sfide della scuola del III Millennio
      Daniela Gulisano
      In August 1921, the first founding conference of the Ligue Internationale de l’Éducation Nouvelle was held, promoted by Adolphe Ferrière and the animators of the ” New Education Fellowship “. The anniversary of that first international experience (Calais, 1921) should push us to take stock of the relevance of those principles and the educational challenges for the 21st century. In particular, it is significant, for this purpose, to resume, analyze and compare the new document of “Calais” with the Guiding Principles for promoting quality in inclusive school of 2009, in which the importance of expanding flexible and active teaching is emphasized, according to a “European and international approach to inclusive school”.
  • Sessione n.2
    1. Externalize the pedagogical knowledge of a teaching innovation through reflective monitoring meetings: the “Bell’impresa” project
      Esternalizzare il sapere pedagogico di un’innovazione pedagogico-didattica attraverso incontri di monitoraggio riflessivo: il progetto “Bell’impresa”
      Claudio Girelli, Alessia Bevilacqua, Giorgio Mion, Marzia Micheletti, Michela Cona, Giulia Lonardi
      The “Bell’Impresa” project intends to promote entrepreneurship education within the school and extra-school curriculum to prevent early school leaving, increasing in Verona’s northwest area. The project’s backbone includes the establishment of student cooperatives aimed at constructing educating communities. This paper aims at presenting the reflective monitoring strategies adopted to focus on the projects’ systemic dimension. The SWOT analysis and a World Café carried out at the end of the project’s first year helped the participants externalize the pedagogical knowledge inherent in their practices and acquire an awareness of the elements of effectiveness and areas for improvement through reflective processes.
    2. PortoDiParole: from live festival to online event
      PortoDiParole: da festival dal vivo a manifestazione on-line
      Sergio Miranda; Rosa Vegliante; Antonio Marzano
      The restrictions of Covid-19 prevented the implementation of activities of outdoor education. This paper describes the experience, developed by a Salerno social cooperative, aimed at bringing children closer to art through computer games. The goal of the work is to present the advantages derived from the transposition of the “PortoDiParole” event from the online presence to Facebook. Specifically, the importance of game design in informal education contexts was emphasized, by proposing a reinterpretation of the concept of emulation (Ferrière’s point 26) in the action scheme of the proposed game activities. The developed system allowed monitoring the actions of the participants, the relational dynamics and the scores achieved in the “race”.
    3. The practice of free text for active citizenship
      La pratica del testo libero per la promozione della cittadinanza attiva
      Beatrice Bramini; Nerina Vretenar
      The practice of the free text respects the right to speak and contributes to the development of responsible citizens. The practice of the free text is part of a pedagogy that involves building positive relationships, in which everyone’s thoughts and words are welcomed and valued and in which language education, considered as the education to communicate, is placed at the heart of the school. It therefore finds its rightful context in a co-operative classroom where writing is a means of expression and knowledge of others and the world.
    4. Pioneers of student-centered teaching
      I pionieri dell’insegnamento a misura di allievo
      Vincenzo Bonazza
      Today, I believe that taking up the spirit of the “new schools” means striving to direct our school system toward the practice of individualization. Many “historical” exponents of this movement have laid the foundations for the implementation of a leading model of individualization (namely, mastery learning) whose characteristics have demonstrated and still demonstrate its teaching effectiveness. I am referring, just to name a few, to the pioneering experiences of Decroly, Dottrens, Parkhurst, and Washburne, whose didactic proposals – which we will take up in the essay we are proposing – are rich in food for thought for the contemporary pedagogical debate.
    5. Reshaping space and time in zero-six integrated services: the educational experience of “bubbles”.
      La rimodulazione degli spazi e dei tempi nei servizi integrati zero-sei: l’esperienza educativa delle “bolle”.
      Giovanni Moretti; Arianna L. Morini; Bianca Briceag; Alessia Gargano
      The present paper intends to contribute to the pedagogical and didactic reflection on the activities proposed during the pandemic in the integrated services 0-6. Particular attention has been paid to the way in which children are divided into bubbles. We report on the results of an exploratory survey that involved 15 educators from four early childhood services operating in Rome. The results will contribute to actualize the reflection on the first point proposed by Ferrière, concerning the school “organization”. Furthermore, in order to redefine the educational offer in the post-emergency period, such results can eventually help enhance what was learned during the adjustment of the bubbles.
      Paolina Mulè; Giuseppe Spadafora
      Among the ten new ideas present in the Manifesto, point VIII is relevant, in which the need to have a school understood as an inclusive environment (29) is increasingly reflected, but also the point concerning the digital challenge (37). It is about building a school that is truly an inclusive environment, in which education concretely represents a common good inside and outside the school itself through the various digital developments.
    7. Calais Conference and the Life Design approach: how skills development can promote inclusion and well-being, favoring future planning.
      Convegno di Calais e Life Design: come lo sviluppo di competenze possa promuovere inclusione e benessere, favorendo progettualità futura.
      Teresa Grange; Chiara Annovazzi
      New phenomena characterize our society, called liquid society and risk society. In this context, it can be fruitful to integrate different approaches, from the Éducation Nouvelle to its dialogue with the Life Design Approach. From this perspective and according to a pedagogical approach of an ecological-systemic matrix, we propose re-reading a Life Design research with 127 adolescents. The research aimed to examine the relationships between career adaptability, hope, and future orientation and identify criteria for elaborating an emancipating and empowering didactic action.
    8. Between participation and self-regulated learning. In search of a unit-of-analysis to promote democratic education
      Tra partecipazione e autoregolazione dell’apprendimento. Alla ricerca di un’unità di analisi per la promozione della scuola democratica
      Paolo Sorzio
      Democratic education constantly challenges and transforms the constraining conditions on learning. In this paper, it is proposed a methodological reflection on the “participation framework”, as the relevant unit of analysis for the study of the contextual conditions of children’s opportunities for learning. An open focus of observation is introduced, in order to offer the opportunity to teachers and educators to design innovative activities and to promote children’s self-regulated thinking. As a case study, reference is made to an ethnographical documentation gathered during an in-service training activity with the educators in a system of after-school programmes, during the years 2016-2018.
    9. Enhancing cognitive and metacognitive abilities at school: a synthesis of evidence
      Sviluppare abilità cognitive e metacognitive a scuola: una sintesi di evidenze
      Marta Pellegrini
      This work has the purpose to present a synthesis of research regarding interventions to enhance students’ cognitive and metacognitive skills from early childhood education through secondary school. Referring to some Ferrière’s points of the areas of Intellectual life and Study Organization, the work discusses how they relate to cognitive enhancement and how they are implemented in such programs. The synthesis shows the evidence supporting interventions of cognitive and metacognitive enhancement and which factors can increase their effectiveness at school.
    10. Pour l’Ère Nouvelle: Artistic and Moral Education. From the DADA Model (Didactics for Learning Environments) to the System Evaluation
      Pour l’Ère Nouvelle: educazione artistica e morale. Dal modello DADA (Didattiche per Ambienti Di Apprendimento) alla valutazione di sistema
      Cristiana De Santis; Eleonora Mattarelli
      The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the evaluation of learning processes in Italian schools, starting from the artistic and moral education advanced by Ferrière (1925). The comparison between authors research projects’, the case study proposed and the analysis of school system evaluation lead to the reflection on the dichotomy between internal and external evaluation, which is not a real dichotomy if the purpose of the evaluation is clear: the quality improvement of education system. (Ricci in Federazione Lavoratori della Conoscenza Cgil, 2021, 1.23.26)
    11. Students with non-Italian citizenship at Sapienza: from the study experience to the transition to work
      Studenti con cittadinanza non italiana alla Sapienza: dall’esperienza di studio alla transizione al lavoro
      Irene Stanzione; Andrea Marco De Luca; Emanuela Botta
      This study focuses the methodological approach adopted to analyse university-work transitions of graduates and students with non-Italian citizenship at Sapienza University of Rome. We show investigation on the professional paths of foreign students and graduates by moving from a top-down to a bottom-up analysis of administrative data. We then describe the preliminary results of a survey on the university experience of foreign students. Findings confirm many national trends, as among the others a high significant vertical mismatch of foreign graduates and the low percentage of contracts or work days. Finally, language-related difficulties emerge in the university experience.
    12. What evaluation for a «New education» in support of active citizenship?
      Quale valutazione per un’Educazione nuova a sostegno della cittadinanza attiva?
      Maria Lucia Giovannini; Massimo Marcuccio
      The contribution presents a reflection on Thesis 31 of the Manifesto prepared by the Organizing Committee of Convergence (s) pour l’Education Nouvell, the only one that deals with the theme of evaluation. The study argues the limitation of this perspective and the adverse retroactive effects of this feature on the actual realization of this thesis. A first aspect of the limitation of thesis 31 concerns its confinement to the scope of the teaching / learning relationship only. The second aspect of limitation concerns the focus on learning and student progress without explicit reference to the competence in self-assessment / regulation of learning, a fundamental prerequisite for active citizenship in a democratic society.
  • Sessione n.3
    1. About the use of digital games on motivation in mathematics. Implications for didactics from a systematic review and meta-analysis
      Sull’uso dei giochi digitali per la motivazione alla matematica. Implicazioni per la didattica derivanti da una revisione sistematica integrata da meta-analisi
      Daniela Fadda; Giuliano Vivanet
      Supporting students’ motivation in mathematics through effective teaching strategies is a significant challenge for educators. A systematic review and meta-analysis was carried out to summarise results of studies concerning the impact of digital games on K-12 student motivation in mathematics. A total of 20 experimental and quasi-experimental studies was included to evaluate intervention efficacy. Moreover, we examined intervention characteristics such as duration, grade, math area and platform for the game. In this work, the results of this analysis and specifically their implications for practice with the aim of supporting confidence and interest in mathematics are discussed.
    2. The professionalism of the teacher in the emergency school
      La professionalità dell’insegnante nella scuola dell’emergenza
      Tammaro R.; Iannotta I.S.; Scarano, R.; Notti A.
      The emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have been having a significant impact on the education system. Therefore, some points listed by Ferrière are current in relation to the teaching of a few contents every day and the refusal of an encyclopedic education: the school, even more at the time of Covid-19, must pay attention on meaningful learning and the development of transversal skills. This contribution aims at identifying the general framework of Italian schools during the emergency to better understand how distance learning has influenced the teaching profession.
    3. Mathematical creations: between individual research and collective resonances
      Creazioni matematiche: tra ricerca individuale e risonanze collettive
      Donatella Merlo; Sonia Sorgato
      The proposal of mathematical creations originates from Freinet’s cooperative pedagogy as well as from teachers who have based their practices on childrens’ experiences and interests. A creation is both a manual and mental process, reflecting personal research, activating children’s intellectual resources, ultimately giving shape to the abstract concepts of Mathematics. It is a spare time moment of transversality between disciplines. Finally, when the moment of discussion comes, through collective dialogue, the teacher can pinpoint the most effective work tracks for learning, not giving in to inconsistency though appreciating each and every student’s personal way of thinking.
    4. Active education practice’s subversive value. The experience of a lower secondary school in Rome
      Il valore eversivo delle pratiche di educazione attiva. L’esperienza di una scuola media romana
      Patrizia Sposetti; Alessia Barbagli
      Now as then, the “Charte de la LIEN” is still relevant and retains a subversive value. Some Italian researchers argue that democratic and progressive schools create inequalities. According to them contents are the core of teaching. They also argue that competition is necessary for good educational outcomes. These theses particularly criticize the fifth point of the “Charter”. The purpose of our paper is to reflect on these issues. We argue that to reflect on schools is to reflect on democracy and social equity. We think that the problem in the school is not the content, but the teaching strategies. To achieve this goal we present a teaching experience carried out in a lower secondary school in Rome during the lockdown.
    5. Innovating the school: an experimental educational project in the “School of Relationships and Responsibilities”
      Innovare la scuola: un progetto di sperimentazione didattica nella “Scuola delle Relazioni e delle Responsabilità”
      Vincenzo Arte; Mara Marini
      This contribution aims at presenting an experimental educational project active for several years in a high school in Rome. Based on a research-action educational methodology, this project was born to allow each student to become an active subject during the learning process. The assumption is that each adolescent should be respected in their character and approach to studying to create a personalized environment where everyone can express themselves. In addition, the contribution aims at presenting the preliminary results of the monitoring activities of the project outcomes by giving voice to the participants.
    6. Compulsory technologies – School e Social Media
      Le Tecnologie dell’obbligo – La scuola alla prova dei social media
      Luciano Di Mele
      The LIEN Chart of 1921 placed the creativity and expressiveness of the pupil at the centre of educational action. At the end of the century, a group of pioneering teachers used the new digital tools as ideal means to open the school to the territory, help pupils have new knowledge and make their voices heard. The recent pandemic and the lockdown problems have accelerated the growth of social media that have offered their services for distance learning. As a result, Digital platforms have entered schools not as mere tools but as natural educational environments. This time the school faces soft privatization that is drawing a new educational territory.
    7. School Institutions in the Construction of Educational Pacts with Families and the Territory: A Research-Training Process.
      Le Istituzioni scolastiche nella costruzione di Patti Educativi con famiglie e territorio: un percorso di Ricerca-Formazione.
      Silvia Ferrante; Guido Benvenuto; Irene Stanzione
      This contribution will depart from the 30 points of Ferrière, to the 4th point of the Nice Congress, reaching the Piano Scuola 2021-2022, where schools are asked to sign Family, School and Community Partnerships. Starting from the idea of a school as an open and democratic system, research moves towards the necessity of investigating contexts, supporting the empowerment possibilities of whole communities. The intervention aims to present the first tools for the definition of a research-training process, supporting the activation of reflective processes on FSCPs, triggering partnership-building practices and measuring their impact on the parties involved.
    8. Assessment of the school climate and individual levels of resilience
      La valutazione del clima scolastico e dei livelli individuali di resilienza
      Valeria Biasi; Giusi Castellana; Conny De Vincenzo
      The school systems, alongside the tasks of transmitting and developing knowledge, are called to perform fundamental functions such as contributing to the development of socio-emotional skills. Starting from these considerations, recent psycho-educational research investigate the role of some contextual and individual variables in favoring social adaptation and self-realization. Here we consider the dimensions of school climate and individual resilience starting with the italian adaptation of the Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (CSCI; Cohen, 2013) integrated with a subscale on individualitazion in learning, and the elaboration of a resilience scale derived from the Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA, LeBuffe et al., 2009).
    9. The practice of free text to promote active citizenship
      La pratica del testo libero per la promozione della cittadinanza attiva
      Beatrice Bramini; Nerina Vretenar
      The practice of the free text respects the right to speak and contributes to the development of responsible citizens. The practice of the free text is part of a pedagogy that involves building positive relationships, in which everyone’s thoughts and words are welcomed and valued and in which language education, considered as the education to communicate, is placed at the heart of the school. It therefore finds its rightful context in a co-operative classroom where writing is a means of expression and knowledge of others and the world.
      Alessandra La Marca; Federica Martino; Ylenia Falzone
      Service-learning interventions have offered significant opportunities to reduce the long-term negative effects and to empower the recovery process of pupils in difficulty. The study was carried out with 869 students enrolled in the Primary Education Sciences master’s degree course at the University of Palermo. The primary level “fragile” pupils from 33 different schools in Palermo were provided with a total of 60.000 hours of recovery and learning enhancement activities in remote mode. Challenging teaching activities fostered cognitive and learning development of the pupils. The results reveal that the service-learning project led to the rediscovery of inclusion, integration, and civic responsibility.
    11. Volunteering in the 2030 school curriculum: European experiences and evaluation tools
      Il volontariato nel curricolo della scuola del 2030: esperienze europee e dispositivi valutativi
      Maria Ermelinda De Carlo (Università di Perugia) ; Marco Bartolucci (Università di Parma)
      Starting from Ferriere’s pedagogical work, the contribution focuses on the role of volunteering and service learning as a pedagogical device to reactivate students with a view to both mobilising citizenship skills and combating school drop-out. To support this, the European experiences of participatory action research are presented: Educopera, Schola and Class in which, in a transnational way, volunteering was experimented as an “informal and non-formal learning context” for the development of European key competences and in which toolkits were implemented for teachers in the field of assessment and self-assessment of transversal learning.
    12. The music relevance in the Adolphe Ferrière’s pedagogical thinking and its topicality to promote school inclusion
      L’importanza della musica nel pensiero pedagogico di Adolphe Ferrière e la sua attualità per la promozione dell’inclusione scolastica
      Amalia Lavinia Rizzo; Marianna Traversetti
      Adolphe Ferrière is considered one of the scholars from whom derive the principles that have changed the approach of music education, towards an active methodology. In this process, the foundation of the Ligue internationale pour l’education nouvelle (1921) can be considered the beginning of a progressive pedagogical tradition that considers music as an aesthetic experience to be conceived in the context of a new education. The process that will lead to active musical education draws recognition and driving force also from the attention to artistic and moral education, presented as a specific area that characterizes new education in the 30 points proposed by Ferrière in 1919 and reworked by him in the magazine Pour l’Ère Nouvelle (1925).
  • Sessione n.4
    1. University teaching as a laboratory for active education
      La didattica universitaria come laboratorio per un’educazione attiva
      Arianna Giuliani
      In a complex historical period, educational research must continue to reflect on strategies and tools that can be effective in promoting active education, a solid basis for an aware citizenship. The paper examines a research conducted at Roma Tre University. The main objective was to investigate how university can be a strategic context to increase students’ individual and social awareness. The results confirm the possibility, through a flexible use of formative feedback during individual and small group activities, to favor an active approach to learning and the growth of students’ sense of responsibility in study and with peers.
    2. Development of global competence and primary school teachers initial education: an international research experience
      Sviluppo delle competenze globali e formazione iniziale degli insegnanti di scuola primaria: un’esperienza di ricerca a livello internazionale
      Davide Capperucci
      Globally competent teachers are essential for preparing children to be citizens of a rapidly changing and interconnected world. Global citizens communicate and build relationships within and across communities around the world. In these intercultural interactions, they learn to communicate effectively, think critically and act conscientiously to address issues of equity worldwide. This chapter chronicles how teacher education faculty in Italy and the United States pivoted an established intercultural teacher education abroad partnership to a virtual exchange in the Fall 2020. The authors will share their task design that supported the pre-service teachers learning and their preparation as globally competent teachers.
    3. Digital education and use of devices during the lockdown and one year after: a study on preschool and school age children
      Didattica digitale e utilizzo di device durante il lockdown e un anno dopo: uno studio sui bambini in età prescolare e scolare
      Ferri, Paolo; Mantovani, Susanna; Bove, Chiara: Manzoni Paola; Cavalli, Nicola; Picca, Marina
      This article reports and discusses some of the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on pre- and school-aged children in Lombardy (the region with the highest burden of COVID-19 in Italy) with regard to behaviors and daily life, with particular attention to distance learning, the use of digital devices both with regard to digital life outside of school and in relation to LEAD, DAD, DDI as well as noting variations about DAD assessment between lockdown and one year later.
    4. Rethinking accountability. For a culture of holistic quality assessment
      Ripensare l’accountability. Per una cultura della valutazione della qualità olistica
      Giulia Pastori; Valentina Pagani
      The present paper reflects on the role that educational research can play in presenting the New Education as a valuable political, cultural and pedagogical choice. Specifically, in order to contribute to its concrete implementation and dissemination, educational research is called to challenge and reimagine the current accountability system, and to offer evidence to support the effectiveness of an active school, also investing in quantitative and mixed-methods studies.
    5. The Schooling for the digital citizenship of the future: ex-post evaluation for teacher education and training
      La scuola per la cittadinanza digitale del futuro: valutazione ex-post per la formazione degli insegnanti
      Francesco Maria Melchiori; Luigi Piceci; Anna Maria Mariani
      This proposal is built as an ex-post evaluation of a research designed connecting two different but complementary phases: a fist stage that addressed both the development of a measurement tool and the specific training methods regarding digital citizenship skills for teachers (already working or on still training, n=351); a second stage focused on a pilot study where the training protocol was administered to a small sample of voluntary participants (n=40). Evidence and results of both phases (i.e. validity and reliability of the measurement tool and effect of the protocol) will be addressed following the evaluation research methodology.
    6. School, community, processes of re-oralization of popular narratives
      Scuola, comunità, processi di ri-oralizzazione delle narrazioni popolari
      Salvatore Colazzo
      This contribution deals with the re-oralization of the heritage of folk tales. The traditional world has given us a narrative repertoire collected – through the work of far-sighted scholars – in written collections, which, precisely because they have frozen in writing something that was alive and palpitating, appear inert and, all in all, outdated. Today, that vast repertoire of stories must certainly be known as a testimony to the way traditional societies function, but it must also become the element on which to build creative expressions that, while placing themselves in continuity, reinterpret tradition and make it ‘usable’ in the present day, a testimony of identity and a platform for intercultural dialogue.
    7. The relevance of Celestin Freinet in Italian schools: a case study
      L’attualità di Celestin Freinet nella scuola italiana: uno studio di caso
      Maltoni Angela; Antonella Lotti; Alessio Surian
      This contribution dwells on the pillars of Celestin Freinet’s pedagogy and describes a well-established experience carried out by a Ligurian teacher who is inspired by Freinet and applies his techniques in a faithful and deeply contemporary way, without ever losing sight of the recognition and appreciation of the heterogeneity of the pupils in the class group; collaboration between pupils; the school library (as an alternative to the textbook); valuing the work done in class, in a relationship of mutual collaboration between pupils and teacher; the concreteness of the content addressed, intercepting pupils’ desires and their life experiences.
    8. For a new education we need (also) a new assessment
      Per un’educazione nuova ci vuole (anche) una valutazione nuova
      Lisimberti Cristina, Montalbetti Katia
      New Education places the student at the center of the school and of his education: these principles are today considered fundamental in any educational field. Anyway moving from theory to practice is not so simple in particular regarding assessment affair. Usually teachers manage the assessment process while students are rarely asked to play an active role. The paper deals with some research-action experiences that have involved different student targets and training contexts (school and university) with the common aim to enhance students’ involvement practically in the assessment processes. A teachers and researchers jointly reflection on these experience can enrich the scientific debate also for identifying new paths for training.
    9. Using assessment to increase the quality of educational interventions with pupils with special needs: self-perceived assessment skills and perception of disability
      Usare la valutazione per accrescere la qualità degli interventi didattici con allievi con bisogni speciali: competenze valutative auto-percepite e percezione della disabilità
      Antonella Nuzzaci; Anna Murdaca; Marineella Muscarà
      Meeting the needs of students with intellectual disabilities requires the use of evidence-based instructional practices, but also high-level evaluative skills. Assessment can be viewed as a powerful tool for improving classroom instruction and the achievement of students with special needs. However, its effectiveness depends on the beliefs and skills of those who apply it daily in classrooms. This research aimed to investigate whether teachers who perceive themselves as competent in assessment and evaluation perceive themselves as more capable of meeting the needs of learners with special needs.
    10. Arcipelago Educativo Estate: Assessment of an Educational Project Facing Summer Loss
      Arcipelago Educativo Estate: Valutazione Di Un Progetto di Contrasto al Summer Loss
      Franco Passalacqua
      This contribution, through the presentation of the results of the assessment process of the project “Arcipelago Educativo Estate” promoted by Save the Children and intended to provide a summer educational program to about 500 kids from 11 educational centers distributed across Italy, aims to outline the role of cooperation between school and educational agencies in connection with the founding principles of the Ligue Internationale de l’Éducation Nouvelle. Data was collected by way of questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. The discussion of the results draws attention to a need for continued development of professional partnership between teachers and educators.
    11. From the New Schools to the renewal of the School. In search of the principles of the Ligue International pour l’Education Nouvelle in the programmatic documents of primary school in Italy
      Dalle Scuole Nuove al rinnovamento della scuola. Alla ricerca dei principi della Ligue International pour l’Education Nouvelle nei documenti programmatici della scuola primaria in Italia
      Silvia Fioretti
      The contribution intends to investigate the reception of the principles formulated by the Ligue international pour l’éducation nouvelle within the context of Italian education through the analysis of programmatic documents of primary school in Italy. The critical analysis will be conducted, in particular, on the official ‘Programs’ and ‘Indications’, from 1955 to today, of the primary school to identify the meanings and interpretations of the principles of the Ligue and to observe and detect the introduction and the transposition of the same in the Italian school.
  • Sessione n.5
    1. The new digital teaching and evaluation in an inclusive key
      La nuova didattica digitale e la valutazione in chiave inclusiva
      Marika Calenda; Alessio Fabiano
      In this paper we aim to explore the model of “digital learning environment”, considered as an whole and to offer the possibility to intervene on the “digital and evaluative educational setting”, especially on the principles which determine it. We will try to reflect how the teaching can be reshaped, to make students active of their learning process and to offer ideas to rethink the way of building school together. Furthermore, the theme of evaluation is certainly fundamental in the perspective of the digital teaching, especially in a blended learning, on the presence and on the distance.
    2. Logics, networks and inter-institutional partnership practices and training quality: from design to assessment
      Logiche, reti e pratiche partenariali interistituzionali e qualità della formazione: dalla progettazione all’assessment
      Antonella Nuzzaci
      Il partenariato si è imposto nel tempo prevedendo tipologie di collaborazione diversa e producendo precisi risultati sociali e culturali nel tentativo di affrontare situazioni complesse e di risolvere problemi emergenti sempre più diversificati. Esso fa leva sulla capacità della ricerca di individuare nelle pratiche educative spontaneamente attivate dai diversi attori quegli elementi metodologici impliciti che possano considerarsi significativi, esplicitandoli e facendoli emergere, per poi passare alla concettualizzazione e modellizzazione del sistema partenariale procedendo alla sua validazione attraverso un disegno valutativo diretto a esaminare contesti, principi, input, processi, risultati e impatti culturali, organizzativi ed operativo
    3. Between Ferriere and Freinet: a visual study
      The contribution aims at comparing Ferrière’s reflection and Freinet’s practices. The first area of contact is the political and transformative reading of education. While the former imagines a new school capable of “bridging the gap between family life and social life”, the latter founds a proletarian school, an alternative to the bourgeois school, in which the distinction between education and work, intellectual and manual activity, individual and collective work is overcome. Based on our visit to the school in Vence, an analysis of the photographic documentation collected is proposed in order to highlight contradictions and opportunities of current educational institutions.
    4. First reflections on the impact evaluation of interventions against early school leaving.
      Prime riflessioni sulla valutazione di impatto di interventi a contrasto alla dispersione scolastica.
      Giulia Toti, Eliana Bucchi, Vanessa Candela, Ermelinda De Carlo
      Early school leaving is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, which brings with it numerous problems of definition, despite the large amount of reference literature (Batini & Bartolucci, 2016; Scales, 2015). This has not prevented investments in interventions for preventing and combating early school leaving, even if the current data represent “a defeat” and highlight wrong approaches. In this contribution, in the light of a first analysis of the interviews, aimed at assessing the impact of the projects against early school leaving, a necessary rethinking of interventions and of the evaluation methods of these projects becomes evident.
    5. Future teachers’ training in listening and welcoming
      Formare i futuri insegnanti all’ascolto e all’accoglienza
      Leonarda Longo; Gaetana Katia Fiandaca
      The study was carried out with 869 students enrolled in Primary Education Sciences master’s degree course at University of Palermo. The participants have been involved in the planning and implementation of targeted educational courses designed for the “fragile” pupils from 33 different schools in Palermo. This project aims at developing a sustainable model, innovative strategies and tools for recovery and enhancement of learning which are applicable during health emergency. Thanks to the creation of a repository of shared content and the specific training of 33 coordinating tutors involved in the project, this model can also be used after the emergency period.
    6. The ‘first’ alliance’: study of a parent-educator co-responsibility device in the nursery
      La ‘prima’ alleanza’: studio di un dispositivo di corresponsabilità genitore-educatore nel nido di infanzia
      Loredana Perla; Laura Sara Agrati; Ilenia Amati; Stefania Massaro; Maria Concetta Rossiello
      The exploratory study, from the phenomenological perspective, was conducted on the insertion of thirty-five children from 5 to 28 months into the nursery ‘Matite colorate’ of Matera. It posed the hypothesis that scaffolding suitable for the parent-educator relationship has effects on reducing the time of adaptation of the child to the nursery. The survey explored the variables of the process by focusing observation on the process during the interactions between parents of children and educators. Among the results that emerged there are: insertion in the context in 4 days; reduction of feelings such as anxiety, stress, sadness in the parent; reduction of feelings of sadness in the child.
    7. Teacher training as an opportunity to innovate
      Percorsi di formazione degli insegnanti come opportunità per innovare
      Giganti Marco
      New Education International League stated that children should be at the heart of education and the student at the heart of school. The change from the paradigm of instruction to the learning one is aligned to this statement. This paper focused on a specific aspect of the paradigm of learning: the formative assessment. This aspect has a deep influence on education tout court. Formative assessment is key competence of teachers’ professionalism but, in some cases, it isn’t properly developed. This paper focuses on two training modules with the aim of highlighting their design and reference to the cited assumptions.
    8. Éducation nouvelle and the Pizzigoni method across the past and the contemporary era
      Éducation nouvelle e metodo Pizzigoni, tra passato e contemporaneità
      Franca Zuccoli; Anna Ferri
      This paper explores the similarities and differences between the éducation nouvelle movement and the journey undertaken by Giuseppina Pizzigoni, who founded her New School (Scuola Rinnovata) in 1927, after experimenting with a novel way of understanding and practicing the teaching-learning process from 1911 onwards. The points of contact between the two perspectives include a focus on the environment, the outdoor context, children’s direct experience, and their shared pathways towards constructing knowledge. The final section of the paper looks at the potential value of these emphases, which can also inform the present-day implementation of the New School approach and the Pizzigoni method.
    9. From the IDRUSA project to outdoor education. Art and orienteering
      Dal Progetto IDRUSA all’outdoor education. Arte e orienteering
      Ada Manfreda; Antonio Di Maglie
      With this contribution we propose an intervention hypothesis that wants to combine art, territory, landscape and outdoor education. We think that Orienteering can represent an adequate methodological option for this purpose, representing an active and activating didactic device, which appropriately designed, starting from the works of art registered and digitized by the IDRUSA project, can bring together the territory, the places that the paintings have immortalized, creating an en plein air learning environment in which aesthetic sense and beauty are combined, discovery, immersion in nature, play and enjoyment of cultural and environmental heritage, also with the integration of technologies.
    10. Citizens of the world: what rights?
      Cittadini del mondo: quali diritti
      Giancarlo Cavinato
      Children’s rights are granted by law but they are not effective in everyday life, because they are affected by prejudices. The 1989 ONU Declaration on children’s rights is still largely not applied to the most important consequences: freedom of expression, participation. Since it has been ratified by almost every country (in Italy Law 1991-176) it should be included in Constitutions, rules and regulations of all public and private Institutions. What can be the good practices for planetary citizenship? • creative re-elaboration, diverging thinking • participation • the practices of kids’ meetings • education for futures • exchanges, meetings, correspondence among different countries’ classes and schools
    11. A new evaluation for a new education: what do students think about the usefulness and emotional impact of a peer-feedback process?
      Una valutazione nuova per una educazione nuova: cosa pensano gli studenti circa utilità e ricaduta emotiva di un percorso di peer-feedback
      Elisa Truffelli
      The principles in favour of a new education proposed by the International School of Education, on which this conference is based, cannot be separated from the idea of a new evaluation to accompany and regulate these processes. Peer-feedback (PF) is a innovative evaluation approach that can be framed within the constructivist theory of teaching/learning and the tradition of student-centred approaches. There are still few studies about the perceived usefulness of PF and the impact of the emotional aspects it involves. The aim of this contribution is to offer a reflection on the results of an empirical investigation in HE.
  • Sessione n.6
      The new school law on assessment (O.M. 172/2020) introduces a significant change for primary school: elimination of numerical grades for disciplines. A formal space opens up for formative assessment, an assessment in support of learning. The teacher who undertakes this path helps each student by adapting the teaching proposals to individual needs: in this sense the formative evaluation is also an evaluation for teaching. For this reason it is necessary to work on teacher training, in order to help each teacher to make this approach practicable in their daily work.
    2. Leggimi Ancora Project: the voice of teachers involved in the national read aloud project.
      Il Progetto Leggimi Ancora: la voce degli insegnanti coinvolti nel progetto nazionale di lettura ad alta voce in classe.
      Giulia Mattiacci; Diego Izzo; Giulia Toti.
      Pedagogical research has provided a great body of evidence on reading aloud as a useful practice to promote children’s development (Awah, 2021; Batini et al., 2021; Cabell et al., 2019) in different domains such as cognitive, linguistic, and emotional. In this framework, “Leggimi Ancora” Project has started in 2018 (Batini, 2018); this national project realized by Giunti Scuola with the partnership of University of Perugia, and under scientific direction of Professor Federico Batini is now in its four year. This work presents an analysis of the viewpoint of teachers involved, through a questionnaire consisting of multiple choices and open questions.
    3. eTwinning and New Schools: collaboration and enhancement of cultural heritage
      eTwinning e Scuole Nuove: collaborazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale
      Elif Gulbay; Valeria Di Martino
      At the beginning of the twentieth century, the spread of numerous educational renewal models in line with the New Education movement in Europe and the consequent deepening of the documentation produced in those years allow us to still reflect on the argument today. This paper aims at verifying whether the eTwinning platform can today be considered as one of the possible ways to implement what was hoped for a hundred years ago by the movement of new schools: encouraging collaboration between members of the school community in order to comprise the value of diversity and cultural heritage.
    4. Perception of the experience lived in Distance Learning in a sample of students from Italian secondary schools
      Percezione sull’esperienza vissuta in Dad per un campione di studenti di istituti secondari di secondo grado italiani
      Sara Rizzo
      This survey aims to investigate the perception of Italian students on Distance Learning (DaD) or Integrated. The survey was conducted through the administration of an anonymous online questionnaire to students attending lower secondary school classes distributed throughout the country. The questionnaire administered was constructed ad hoc and tested five “dimensions”: Evaluation of Dad; Behavior of the student; Attention / motivation; Relationship / Social behaviors; Perception of stress and emotion. Italian students highlight the advantage and disadvantages.
    5. Using digital skills within adult education context: the DigiCulture project Guidelines for Creative Industries
      Applicazione delle tecniche digitali in contesti di educazione per gli adulti: le linee guida per le Industrie Creative del progetto europeo DigiCulture
      Antonella Poce; Maria Rosaria Re
      The paper aims at presenting the main research outcomes from the realization at European level of the Guidelines for Digital Competences for Creative Industries, developed within the Erasmus+ KA204 DigiCulture project (Improving the Digital Competences and Social Inclusion of Adults in Creative Industries, 2018-2021). Gaining digital skills and abilities, the promotion of which is often inadequate (European Commission, 2017), could improve the career opportunities of workers in the CI sector, providing access to new distribution markets, such as e-commerce, or adding new forms of digital expression (European Commission, 2018), thus developing social inclusion in an innovative educational prospective.
    6. Authentic evaluation and activism: some points of contact
      Valutazione autentica e attivismo: alcuni punti di contatto
      Fabio Ardolino, Stefano Scippo
      Reflection on authentic assessment highlighted how the measurement of learning through tests fails to account for everyone’s competence. The proposed solution is new assessment (and a new didactic) based on authentic, different and meaningful tasks for each student. Here, it will be noted that these are, for example, tasks very similar to those proposed by Montessori (from commands to conferences), an organization very similar to that conceived by Ferriere, and an evaluation with a function very similar to the one imagined by Dewey.
    7. Sustainability education as a harmonious education. The representations, expectations and needs of a sample of families for a change proposal.
      Educazione alla sostenibilità come educazione armoniosa. Le rappresentazioni, le aspettative e i bisogni di un campione di famiglie per una proposta di cambiamento.
      Ezio Del Gottardo; Salvatore Patera
      The main thesis is: harmonious education and education for sustainability are two sides of the same coin. A thesis already present in the Italian context and which can be found in the many “bottom-up” initiatives for the participation of families in the creation of educational centers for children throughout the country. From these premises begins a qualitative exploratory research work that has collected and analyzed a textual corpus of semi-structured interviews analyzed through “thematic coding”. The interviews revealed the representations, needs and proposals of 72 families. The results produced offer paths for theoretical reflection and action for a possible proposal to revisit educational activities in kindergarten.
    8. The relevance of teachers’ motivation on didactic action: a reflection on the importance of career choice and self-efficacy in the professional field
      La rilevanza della motivazione degli insegnanti sull’azione didattica: una riflessione sull’importanza della scelta lavorativa e dell’autoefficacia in ambito professionale
      Marta Cecalupo, Giorgio Asquini, Daniela Di Donato
      This contribution reflects on the teacher as the promoter of an educational work that places the student at the center of learning, a concept that emerges clearly in the points defined by Ferriére. The study analyzed the data of a questionnaire administered to 796 teachers, who were asked the motivation to become a teacher, which according to the results has repercussions on the level of job satisfaction and self-efficacy, in turn falling on the didactic actions . Therefore, encouraging motivation can influence the context that becomes fertile ground for the success of the points that characterize new schools.
    9. The Neuroeducation perspective on individual learning profiles.
      La prospettiva neurodidattica e le specificità apprenditive individuali
      Giuseppa Compagno
      The second principle of the Charte de la LIEN (edited in Calais in 1921), states that “Education must respect the individuality of the child”. One hundred years later, the very recent Neuroeducation seems perfectly in tune with that statement considering that Neuroeducation focuses a teaching practice meant to meet the intellectual and most diverse characters of pupils. Starting from these considerations, the present study aims at tracing the trajectories of hemispheric diversification and specialization aimed at substantiating the different cognitive, learning and intellectual morphologies of each learner in a neuroeducation perspective.
      Demetrio Ria
      Ferrière argued that teaching practice is based on the spontaneous interests of learners. In recent years, several scholars, in the spirit of the Swiss psychologist’s indications, have considered the possibility of using digital games in the classroom.. In the literature available at this time, it appears that an important actor in this context, namely the teacher, is more neglected if not really marginalized. We want to contribute to the development of a better understanding of the role of the teacher in playful learning and to the improvement of specific digital skills that could be useful in teacher training, not only for the development of playful teaching.
    11. The Éducation nouvelle, childhood and the digital world. An exploratory survey on the use of digital technologies in 0-6 system: a comparison between Italy and Brazil
      L’Éducation nouvelle, l’infanzia e il mondo digitale. Una indagine esplorativa sull’utilizzo delle tecnologie digitali nel sistema integrato 0-6: un confronto tra Italia e Brasile
      Concetta La Rocca; Massimo Margottini; Rosa Capobianco; Paolo Di Rienzo; Aline Sommerhalder; Fernando Donizete Alves
      In the context of the Éducation nouvelle for the 21st century, the reflection on a new educational project starts from the consideration that many of the actual conception about the school were already present in the founding conference of the Ligue Internationale de l’Éducation Nouvelle of 1921. In this conference, mutatis mutandis, it is possible to identify topics that can be used to deal with the theme of digital technology in teaching. In particular this work addresses the issue of digital in the 0-6 sector through the collection, via questionnaire, of the opinions of nursery educator and preschools teachers in Rome (Italy) and the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil).
  • Sessione n.7
    1. The Trialogical Learning Approach in a PCTO about active citizenship
      L’Approccio Trialogico all’Apprendimento in un PCTO dedicato alla cittadinanza attiva
      Ilaria Bortolotti, Nadia Sansone, Donatella Cesareni
      A PCTO experience led – since 2019 – by the Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialization Processes (Sapienza) is described: “DSTI – Digital Story Telling for Inclusion”, with a particular focus on the stategies and techniques ispired from the Trialogical Learning Approachand leading at promoting a multicultural and inclusive awareness through the proposal of a challenging and engaging educational scenario based on creative and collaborative process of digital content creation
    2. Humanistic leadership as a new approach to school management: definition of the construct
      La dirigenza umanistica come nuovo approccio alla dirigenza scolastica: la definizione del costrutto
      Emanuela Botta; Ottavio Fattorini
      This contribution describes the process for the definition of the construct of humanistic leadership born from the experience of the community of practice “Executives together” in which the vision of a professionalism is shared for which adherence to the norm is not the goal but the means from which to start, to exercise a leadership style aimed at relationships. The hope is to give substance to a way of governing schools, in which technical competence and a conscious choice of professional courage are aimed at expressing the spirit of civil service of those who work for the future of all.
    3. the obligation to choose, with the freedom of choice
      Ll’obbligo di scegliere, con la libertà di scelta.
      Claudio Tosi
      The Ligue in 1921 rethought education in global terms, aimed at self-expression experienced through free work, which promoted initiative through “the obligation to choose, with the freedom of choice”. “Parents, educators, administrators and social workers” had the responsibility of creating contexts in which this was possible as an educational community and an extension of the range of education to family, school and city. Today there is no pact between adults that abandoning the idea of a zero-risk education, return to offer the child experiences and contexts in which he can “bring into the world the world he desires”.
    4. Like a stone in the water: self-assessment of inclusive practices in a secondary school.
      Come il sasso nell’acqua: autovalutazione delle pratiche inclusive in una scuola secondaria di secondo grado.
      Silvia Zanazzi
      The article presents an action research project named Dare forma all’inclusione which was carried out in a secondary school in Rome during the school year 2020-2021. The aim of the project, part of the Institute’s Piano di Assistenza Specialistica, was to monitor and self assess inclusive practices, with particular attention to the role of the assistente specialistico, hired to support a first year student with an autism spectrum disorder. At the end of the first year of action research, it is possible to say that the use of self-evaluation strategies has “stirred the waters”, making people more open to mutual confrontation and questioning their own beliefs.
    5. A design for the learning path of reading and writing integrated by technologies
      Una progettazione integrata dalle tecnologie nel percorso di apprendimento della letto-scrittura
      Rosa Vegliante; Sergio Miranda; Antonio Marzano
      The preparation of structured initiation path to reading-writing, the organization of activities and contents according to the student’s expertise represent a modern reinterpretation of the aspects referred to in Ferrière’s point 19. This contribution is part of the Alphabet 140 program, developed by SapIE association, aimed at encouraging the learning of reading and writing through a systematically organized process of cognitive enhancement, based on the exercise of phonological awareness. The goal of this work is to present the added value deriving from a learning and training design integrated by technologies. The obtained results confirm the effectiveness of this path undertaken by following a progressive and rigorous approach.
      Viviana Vinci; Giuseppe Bombino; Francesco Calabrò; Nino Sulfaro; Silvestro Malara
      A multidisciplinary research activity carried out as part of an institutional collaboration, between the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria and 18 Sicilian municipalities, located in an area called “Jonian Valleys of Peloritani”, is described. One of the aims of the Strategic Program is to foster processes of active citizenship education and youth entre-preneurship development, by means of participatory paths of research, training and educational networks. The research activities are at initial stages. This contribution illustrates the research-training protocol and underlines the relevance of the ‘new schools’ movement as places of moral education.
    7. Reading aloud, a tool for democracy for a ‘new’ education
      La lettura ad alta voce, strumento per la democrazia per un’educazione “nuova”
      Federico Batini
      The contribution proposes reading aloud as a highly flexible method to bring numerous cognitive, emotional, relational and identity benefits to students of all levels, also in terms of the development of autonomous and critical thinking. The effects of intensive training are argued, through evidence-based research integrated with comparisons with international literature, with a panel of experts and a meticulous qualitative and quantitative analysis. The aim is to propose reading aloud as a structural practice within school curricula, to support the development of students who are able to make value judgements independently and imagine possible futures for themselves and others.
    8. For a culture of affectivity at school. The animals assisted didactic experience
      Per una cultura dell’affettività a scuola. L’esperienza della Didattica Assistita con gli Animali (DAA)
      Francesco Paolo Romeo
      In light of the relevance of the reflections of the participants in the founding conference of the Ligue Internationale de l’Éducation Nouvelle, which concerned for example the autonomy of learners to be founded within significant emotional relationships and in contact with nature and animals, the contribution presents an assisted didactic experience with animals aimed at activating a series of inclusive processes at school through the intervention of a pet therapy dog. The outcomes of the experience suggest the educational potential of characterize the school as a culture of affectivity and encourage us to investigate the teacher’s availability emotional as an innovative research path.
    9. A new school to combat early school leaving. The voice of education science students
      Una scuola nuova per contrastare la dispersione scolastica. La voce degli studenti di scienze della formazione
      Guido Benvenuto, Nicoletta Di Genova
      This contribution intends to present qualitative research on the issue of early school leaving. We read the phenomenon by tracing a connection between the dimensions identified by the Ligue Internationale de l’Éducation Nouvelle and the voice of today’s students, active protagonists, and users of training courses in contemporary society. The research involved students of social pedagogy courses of the Department of Psychology of Development and Socialization Processes of Sapienza and the Department of Human Sciences of the University of L’Aquila. The analysis highlights how the principles developed by the 1932 Nizza congress still represent the educational needs of students.
    10. Educational Open Badges – Languages and Practices of Art in Education and Training
      Open Badge educativi – linguaggi e pratiche dell’arte in ambito educativo e di formazione
      Emiliane Rubat du Mérac; Michela Chiara Borghese; Pascal La Delfa
      The project aims to develop a pedagogical model of certification of competencies that considers those most relevant for future teachers’ university preparation to develop creative and adaptable methodologies and better respond to educational and social needs in the future profession. The research made it possible to define 12 different profiles of competence, most of which are artistic, useful for the student to know their potential, demonstrate and enhance their skills, orient themselves professionally. Educational Open Badges are issued based on transparent evaluation criteria and certify technical skills and the ability to transfer these skills within the educational relationship through valid pedagogical interventions.
    11. Activation du développement vocationnel et professionnel methodology for career choise and development
      La metodologia dell’Activation du développement vocationnel et professionnel methodology per la maturazione personale e professionale
      Giuseppa Cappuccio
      The third of the 7 principles of the Charte de la Lien (1921) emphasize that “studies and, in general, living learning, must reflect the innate interests of adolescent, with regard to the factors that find their expression in the various manual, intellectual and aesthetic activities”. In this perspective, numerous studies and methodologies for Career choice and development have developed over the decades. Starting from these reflections, the present study intends to focus on the ADVP Methodology as a tool to recognize and guide each adolescent to the construction of his own personal life project in order to organize existence and identity.